Here are a list of books and resources that have helped us and others to grow in our/their faith and living out The Call to Love, Excellence and Truth. We recommend these based on our personal experiences but do note also that suggestions here are not endorsements. We are not endorsing teachers or ministries but rather recommending individual books and resources.

These recommendations are not 100% endorsement of the authors views, or standpoint on all matters. It is rare, even in Christian circles that we will agree with 100% of another believer’s point of view. Yet, deferring points of view, when discussed lovingly, will help us to be sharpened in our faith and practice.

We believe these books to be valuable in part or as a whole, and we hope you find these beneficial in coming to Salvation in Jesus Christ or your maturing as a Disciple of Christ.

The Joshua Code

The Joshua Code is found in Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." The 52 chapters in this volume are designed to lead the reader on a yearly journey by spending a week on one particular Scripture, memorizing it and meditating on it, so it becomes a living part of our very being. The outlines in each chapter can also be used by the busy pastor or Bible teacher as a guide to challenge their hearers in a year of Scripture memory and meditation.

More Jesus Less Religion

More Jesus, Less Religion points the way back to the balance of grace and reveals how to escape the pitfalls of repressive religion once and for all. Over a decade ago, Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton exposed the dangers of what they called "toxic faith," helping countless believers to discern between religion and relationship and overcome their spiritual baggage. Drawing upon an additional ten years of observation and personal experience, Steve and Jack offer new insights in the search for lasting joy, fuller freedom, and greater understanding, and a more honest experience of God

Healed Of Cancer

Healed of cancer is an uplifting and inspiring book for those facing health challenges reminding them that there is hope, healing, and a divine presence walking alongside them. The book guides you to walk in faith towards your healing, and it encourages you with how to overcome the odds while expecting your healing.

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