What effort are you putting in to prevent corruption and bribery in your organization?
Mensah Seneadza
Area Manager
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
How are you treating people you work with? Are you treating them like they are made in the image of God?
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
God as CEO is making the King of kings and the Lord of lords understandable and relevant today. He is CEO and He owns all the businesses.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
God as CEO is a telling affirmation of the importance of God’s leadership in whatever context of life we are in.
Tsatsu Tsikata
Renowned Lawyer
Integrity must mark your Christian life if God is CEO [Boss] of your life.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
There is no such thing as a Christian company; because Christ died for people, not businesses. We are not going to see business in Heaven.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
We think being a Christian is just about going to church on Sunday and then parking it to come to work and do what we like.
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
Our worship is not just praises and the loud shouts and the ululations, but it is also the hard work, the excellence at the place of work. If you do your work well, you are worshiping God as well.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Ministry is not going to church; ministry is establishing righteousness. The purpose of your ministry is to establish righteousness and you can’t establish righteousness in the marketplace if you are not righteous in your dealings with your staff. God is looking for people who will establish righteousness.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
Business is people! I prayed for a business; I prayed for God to use me, and He gave me a business. This business is what God has called me to do – to love the people in the business; to let the love of Christ reflect from me to them, and to show them the love of Christ.
Rob White
It’s not the position you occupy, it’s the impact you have. Don’t wait for the title to play the role.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
A bribe is not an answered prayer!
Mensah Seneadza
Area Manager
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
Jesus is everywhere, so we need to bring Him into our businesses too.
Brandon Haire
Vice President (God as CEO)
& Operating Partner
Princeton Equity Group
& Operating Partner
Princeton Equity Group
I show up everywhere as a Christian. My identity as a Christian supersedes every other identity.
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
Are we disciples or Christians? Jesus didn’t say go and get people saved and become Christians. He said go and make disciples. God prioritizes people.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
As Christians, we aim for a higher standard, so, we cannot afford to compromise.
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Our jobs are a gift from God.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Your MISSION is what gets you out of bed.
Rob White
To achieve excellence consistently, you must go through the detail every time.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Part of my mission is to be a servant-leader of people by investing in their lives and bringing out the best in them.
Rob White
Planning is a process, not an event. If you want to see growth, you ought to plan to be consistent. Growth doesn’t happen by accident.
Pala Asiedu Ofori
Company Secretary
MTN Ghana
MTN Ghana
The greatest training to be a leader is learning how to follow.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
It is not what you do that makes your job sacred or secular. It is how you do it, who you are doing it for and for whose glory you are doing it.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
In all humility, we must learn to acknowledge that neither our business leadership nor our professional execution is based on us knowing it all.
Tsatsu Tsikata
Renowned Lawyer
God works through weaknesses.
Rob White
The greatest resource that is untapped is Jesus Christ. It’s a resource that’s prevalent; it is a resource that is everywhere, but it is untapped.
Brandon Haire
Vice President (God as CEO)
& Operating Partner
Princeton Equity Group
& Operating Partner
Princeton Equity Group
God brings hard times to test our character and yet hard times can be God’s way of making you stand out.
Mensah Seneadza
Area Manager
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
When things happen in your life, no matter who did it to you, look at what God wants to use it for.
Esther Cobbah
Stratcomm Africa
Stratcomm Africa
You can have a beautiful vision, but until you put it into writing, you just have a dream.
Pala Asiedu Ofori
Company Secretary
MTN Ghana
MTN Ghana
How do you know you love money? When you make choice that pursue money to the exclusion of the important things in your life; your identity, the people you love, your values.
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
Be straightforward. It helps you in the workplace.
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
There is no way you are going to grow if you haven’t been through challenges.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Excellence is not perfectionism! Perfection is unattainable for human beings but excellence is achievable.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
There is nothing wrong with being ambitious. However, ambition should not blind us and take us to the point where we are willing to step on people to become who we want to be.
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
As a leader, if you don’t show resilience, you will not be able to get to the top.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. He’s not either or, He’s both!
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
The purpose of business is people, people over profits. We should always think about the human cost of what we do.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
We are stewards of our roles and functions at work and at home. We are managing on God’s behalf what belongs to Him, and we must always seek His direction on how to do it to please Him.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Through our values, through giving excellent service, through coaching and leading our employees, we can show and reflect Christ-like attributes every day.
Rob White
When God puts something in your hands, He expects you to improve it.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
Nothing changes till someone takes responsibility.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
The qualification for much is least.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
To have joy in your life, you must put Jesus first.
Esther Cobbah
Stratcomm Africa
Stratcomm Africa
Your vision statement must be something people can memorize. It should be inspirational and should capture the essence of where you are trying to go.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
God’s priority is people. God is not as interested in the size of your business as He is in the size of the person you are. What God does in you is more important than what He does with you.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
A Christian in the workplace finds purpose in serving a higher calling through their daily tasks.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
We can quote verses, but do we live it?
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
If you don’t learn how to oscillate between the future and now; between leading and managing, you can never be a successful person.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
Your talent is a gift, but having a gift doesn’t mean it's going to happen for you. You have to develop it.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Once you have taken the job and you are keeping it, you ought to see it as belonging to Christ and work accordingly as unto the Lord.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Self-control is one of the crucial fruits of the Spirit to manifest in business.
Mensah Seneadza
Area Manager
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
If we manage to migrate our Christianity to the workplace, there will be a significant difference in the standards of living and in the out-turn of our country’s economy.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Are you living out your Faith in the workplace?
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
One of the places you can make a significant difference in your ministry life is your workplace.
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Former CEO
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
Vanguard Assurance Co. Ltd.
What place does God have in your professional life and in your business undertakings?
Tsatsu Tsikata
Renowned Lawyer
To achieve excellence consistently, you must go through the detail every time.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
As a Christian leader, respect is earned through consistent values-based leadership.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
By applying our values, giving excellent service, coaching and leading our employees, we can show and reflect Christlike attributes every day.
Rob White
Your ability to execute well depends on your ability to create a good plan.
Pala Asiedu Ofori
Company Secretary
MTN Ghana
MTN Ghana
Whatever we do should be done with excellence because we are doing it as representatives of the Lord.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Your choices should always be focused on glorifying God.
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
To become a person that God will use to do something, you must spend time with Him. God cannot be the CEO of your business if He is not the King of your heart.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
Remain humble! You haven’t come this far on your own.
Patience Akyianu
Group CEO
Hollard Ghana
Hollard Ghana
Be humble: It is a Christ-like principle.
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
A Christian in the workplace faces challenges with grace, guided by trust in God’s plan.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
The purpose of business is people, people over profits. We should always think about the human cost of what we do.
Bernard Avle
General Manager
Citi FM/Citi TV
Citi FM/Citi TV
There is no way you are going to grow if you haven’t been through challenges.
Tucci Goka Ivowi
CEO & Founding Member
Ghana Commodity Exchange
Ghana Commodity Exchange
If you know what to do and you willfully decide not to do it, you are guilty of sin. Once you know better, you need to do better.
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
It is through submitting our professional capabilities to God that He grants us success in our professional undertakings.
Tsatsu Tsikata
Renowned Lawyer
What effort are you putting in to prevent corruption and bribery in your organization?
Mensah Seneadza
Area Manager
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
West & Central Africa
Schweppes Int. Ltd.
How are you treating people you work with? Are you treating them like they are made in the image of God?
Ayesha Bedwei Ibe
Global People Leader
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
Tax & Legal Services
PwC (Ghana) Ltd.
God as CEO is making the King of kings and the Lord of lords understandable and relevant today. He is CEO and He owns all the businesses.
Doug Dwyer
Founding President &
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
Chief Stewarding Officer,
God as CEO
God as CEO is a telling affirmation of the importance of God’s leadership in whatever context of life we are in.
Tsatsu Tsikata
Renowned Lawyer